Yummy sweet peas!
I'm all ready for church
Since the last post Kaidyn has grown so much in such a short period of time. She talks way more now and has even learned how to spit! It's her favorite thing to do :). She has now started to eat baby food, sweet peas to be exact. The doctors and nurses alike are still so impressed with her progress. She has been called the miracle baby by many.
Its so funny I never realized how small she really is. I mean I've heard of a few people who have had newborns her size or bigger. But recently it has become apparent to me how tiny she really is. While in a Dallas mall a lady walks up and of course comments on how cute she is then the next question always is... how old is she. So of course I say, oh she 7 months. And comes the surprised look... WHAT! She's so tiny. The young lady had her 8 month little girl in the mall with her... huge difference. I've also met a 14+ lb 2 month old and a lady with a 26+ lb 6 month. So I have to say an 11lb 7 month old is tiny. Also, at her check up appointment this week Dr. Ransom plotted her growth points, which are not on the chart, and says... "She's growing which is good but she will always be small, she may not make it on the growth chart until she's two" So I guess I'll have to get use to the surprised looks when asked the infamous question..."How old is she?"